Rakesh Suryavanshi
I am a Web Developer, Application Developer and Computer Science Student

Projects About Skills Others
label Live Appointment system, discharge summaries and lab results.
label Upcoming appointments with email notification, chat system.
label Disable users using AJAX: jQuery Autocomplete with Categories using JSON.
label Spring security
label Tools and Technologies: Spring MVC, Hibernate, AJAX, jQuery, JSP.

label Used Amazon Elastic Search Service
label Data Acquisition using twitter and Facebook API
label mongoDB for storage
label Done parsing html data and metadata extraction.
label Stored metadata information as JSON data.
label Indexing and Searching with Apache Lucene.
label Worked on handling multiple requests.
label JSTL tag library and bootstrap for displaying and requesting data.
label Used java servlet as a back end and JSP as a front end technology.
label Implemented image watermark using ASP .NET
label Features: made custom editor (Watermark on Image, Color, Font, Size)
Rakesh Suryavanshi

Currently studying in Calfornia State University, Los Angeles

MS in Computer Science, Expected completion date: August 2017

Languages : Java, C#, Python, SQL.

Web Technologies : J2EE, Asp .NET, JSP.

Front End Technologies : jQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, CSS.

Databases : MySQL, SQL Server 2008

Frameworks/Libraries : .NET Framework 3.0/4.0,Spring, hibernate, AngularJS, Node.js, Gradle, Maven.